APANI es una asociación sin fines de lucro, destinada a la protección de los animales, creada en Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina.

Albergamos fundamentalmente perras, en su mayoría levantadas de las calles en celo, preñadas o con sus cachorros, así como también recibimos perros machos famélicos, heridos o con alguna enfermedad que requieren de tratamiento veterinario. Luego de su recuperación llega la tarea más difícil, encontrarles un hogar, tenemos un predio en el que viven unos 400 canes, ubicados en caniles de acuerdo a su estado sanitario, su porte y temperamento.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2021

Printing products

Dear Sir or Madam,


This is Candy from H&C Printing Center. I am writing to you in the hope of establishing

long-term business relations with you. We are a professional printing company and have been

doing business with a lot of clients from many countries for several years. It's our quality goods,

first-rank services and very competitive prices that help us gain good reputation. 


The clients who have kept good long-term partnership with us are from all works of life, including

the industries of printing, publication, marketing, medical etc. They ordered catalogues, periodical

magazines, brochures, flyers, children's books, calendars, stickers etc. with us and some of

them even kindly introduce us to their relatives and friends who need our services. We also hold the

belief that the public praise is the most supernatural magic, which will make us be success. So we are

always trying all we can do to meet your taste, low price, high quality, professional service and

fast logistic...


Any more information you want to know, please feel free to email back to me. Maybe we can start

with quoting you a best price according to the specification of your job?


Best regards,



Unit 202, #93, International Village,

Jinshan West Road, Huli District,

Xiamen 361006, China

Tel: 0086 592 555 3179

E-mail: admin@hongchengco.com

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